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Founded in Jinhua,Zhejiang in 2003, which supply Garden items, outdoor living items, Hardware and DIY tools and Household. Our service is supply to retailers in more than 20 countries throughout Europe. Based on our set up strong ties with manufacturers in China, specialized purchasing and sales teams, the capacity items’ developing and creating which utmaster has become their parterner and their major purchasing market.
We maintain tight control on quality and production schedules at all times, in order to ensure the highest possible standards in production and distribution. We do factory audit to ensure the factory which could be our honestly supplier.
We cordially welcome business friends from all parts of the world to our company for business negotiation through various trade methods;
We will also devote to the development and improvement of new products or items according to customer’s requirement.
We will respect each others opinions.
We will operate within a positive, professional environment.
We will focus on Clients, Manufacturers.
We will reach for the best within ourselves.
We will create a profit which will enhance the lives of our employees, and, in part, will be given back to the community through programs and services.
We believe that through shared decision making, our company will proactively and successfully meet the challenges of the futur
We can never be less than the best.
Everyone at Utmaster is ready to serve your needs.